16 Comments on "Support/Helpdesk portal update"

  1. This product does not work the way I thought it would. Yes, most defiantly can be user error. I have paid the $7.99 which I hope it just for one month.
    I have been trying to delete duplicate photos and all it says is 0 found. I believe I have additional duplicates. What am I missing?


  2. Compré el 22 de febrero de 2025 duplicates cleaner prime. Cuando intento abrir la aplicación me pide de nuevo que vuelva a pagarla, ahora en la biblioteca de microsoft store me sale como duplicates cleaner sin poner detrás prime, pero si aparece como que está comprada y pagada. La abro y cuando selecciono una carpeta para ver los duplicados me dirige a la página de pago y me obliga a pagarla otra vez si la quiero utilizar. Llevo varias semanas con este problema y es la segunda ocasión que me he quejado y aun no he recibido ninguna solución por correo por eso lo dejo en comentarios a ver si algien me da una solución ya o presento una queja en pay pal que me devuelvan el dinero iy me compro otra aplicación en otro sito. Gracias.


  3. On changing from iMac to windows 11 PC I am have a major sort out of photos and installed Duplicates cleaner prime V4.3 on the PC to help remove multiple copies of the same photos in various sub directories. These are obviously the same photos however, Duplicates cleaner prime V4.3 reports 0 duplicates found. Am I missing an option somewhere?


  4. Hi,

    Yesterday I purchased Duplicates Cleaner Prime on my Mobile from Sydney Australia Region.

    Now I want to install the same Licences on My Windows 10 PC..

    Please let me know how can I extend my purchased Licence to the Win 10 Desktop Version of “Duplicates Cleaner Prime” without paying additional Cost.

    Also When i am trying to install Duplicates Cleaner from MS Store is its not allowing me due to some Region error.

    Pls help resolving both of my above issues I am a Valid user of “Duplicates Cleaner Prime”


  5. I have an Outlook “Contacts” file (*.VCF) which has many files with the same name but one of them has a (2) following the name. Duplicates Cleaner Prime is not finding the duplicates. What am I doing wrong?


  6. Hello, I had to install the prime version on my laptop. It said $7.99, I’m guessing that’s a month correct? Thank you


  7. this product does not work the way it should
    i have been trying to delete duplicate photos and all it says is 0 found.
    very disappointing


  8. Does anybody else have a hard time restoring the program after a phone reformate all I want is the program I paid for.


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